27 December 2016

Cheaper, better, faster, forex trading platform?

Comments: Good to see local startup efforts focused on trading. The article quoted "Sending an order to Tokyo, the nearest trading centre, takes about 60 milliseconds. This stretches to 200 milliseconds for London and New York". This is similar to my "Ping test to IB servers" results I have tested on my computer. My results is 236 milliseconds to US East Coast. 

It seems the institutional traders in Singapore does not have much edge in terms of speed over retail traders who are using a typical local internet service provider when trading US markets.

A new start-up is building a platform to make foreign exchange trading in Singapore cheaper and faster for institutional investors.

Spark Systems has raised US$5 million (S$7.1 million) in funding and is already working with a major hedge fund to beta test its platform early next year.

It officially opened its offices at fintech hub Lattice80 in Robinson Road earlier this month.

Singapore is the world's third largest foreign exchange trading hub - after London and New York - and there are already many proprietary foreign exchange platforms here.

But these platforms come with high transaction costs. There is also no common one linking up all buyers and sellers, Spark Systems co-founder and chief executive Wong Joo Seng told The Straits Times.

Link: Cheaper, better, faster, forex trading platform?

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